miércoles, 12 de mayo de 2010

Why I want to be a Veterinarian...

Hello guys that read this. In this time I am going to explain the main reasons I study Veterinary Medicine. The truth is that at the beginning y wanted to study Dentristy but I was not decided and I didn´t reach the score. Then, I reached the score to study Veterinary Medicine at the University of Chile. I decided to study this career because I always like animals and to be a doctor of any specialty, so I was happy because this and due to the university is very good. During the first year of study y relized that I love this area (to my benefit) , so now I am very happy to be studying this career and I´d never change, I realized that animals are wonderful creatures that make the world be more wide and complex for better, they deserve respect, careful and love (in the case of pets).
Finally, when I am a Veterinarian, I want to dedicate to small animals , as cat and dogs, but more in the future I also want to dedicate to wild life.

3 comentarios:

  1. Hello guys that read this. In this time I am going to explain the main reasons I study Veterinary Medicine. The truth is that at the beginning y wanted to study Dentristy but I was not decided and I didn´t reach the score. Then, I reached the score to study Veterinary Medicine at the University of Chile. I decided to study this career because I always TENSE like animals and to be a doctor of any specialty, so I was happy because this and due to the university is very good. During the first year of study y relized that I love this area (to my benefit) , so now I am very happy to be studying this career and I´d never change, I realized that animals are wonderful creatures that make the world be more WF wide and complex for better, they deserve respect, WF careful and love (in the case of pets).
    Finally, when I am a Veterinarian, I want to dedicate to small animals , as cat and dogs, but more in the future I also want to dedicate to wild life.

    well done Isaias! very interesting reasons.
    I'm glad you are decided to do this

  2. hi!
    as much time
    perhaps in fututo we work together
    because both have the same motivations
    only Danila lack

  3. hello!
    i had not idea that you wanted to study Dentristy!!
    but congratulations for you for to choose veterinary medicine =)
