martes, 15 de junio de 2010

My favourite career`s subject

Hello! In this time I am going to write about my favourite career`s subject... That is Animal Physiology. Animal Physiology, from the greek physis (nature) and logos (knowledge), studies the functions of the animal organism. For example, Anatomy studies the form of the organs and their ubications and relationships with the others, in contrast Physiology studies the functions that perform this organs and the molecular and biological-cellular mechanisms by wich these functions are performed.
In this University Animal Physiology is a curricular space of the career of Veterinary Medicine that is divided in two units: Physiology I and Physiology II and both units are dictated respectively in the first and second semester of the second year of the career. Theoretical classes are dictated every monday from the 9:00 AM to 12:50 PM with different teachers for each class topic, but always the classes finish before. When there is an activity of journal club or practical lessons, these are performed in the afternoon from 14:45 to 17:30.
My two main reasosns Animal Physiology is my favourite career`s subject is first that I always wanted to know how an organism can perform functions as breathing, see, hear,move, etc. and second because I like to study the molecular and biological-cellular mechanisms that mediate in the functions of the animal organism , also I beleive that this is not difficult for me...

5 comentarios:

  1. hello isaias!!!!!
    Physiology, is a subject very entertaining, the only boring is the teacher... jajajajaj

  2. Hi Isaias
    I think physiology is very good, but I prefer anatomy

  3. I interest physiology, is interesting like the body works.

    See you later.

  4. Hello! In this time I am going to write about my favourite career`s subject... That is Animal Physiology. Animal Physiology, from the greek physis (nature) and logos (knowledge), studies the functions of the animal organism. For example, Anatomy studies the form of the organs and their ubications and relationships with the others, in contrast Physiology studies the functions that perform this organs and the molecular and biological-cellular mechanisms by wich these functions are performed.
    In this University Animal Physiology is a curricular space of the career of Veterinary Medicine that is divided in two units: Physiology I and Physiology II and both units are dictated respectively in the first and second semester of the second year of the career. Theoretical classes are dictated every CAPS monday from the 9:00 AM to 12:50 PM with different teachers for each class topic, but always the classes finish before. When there is an activity of journal club or practical lessons, these are performed in the afternoon from 14:45 to 17:30.
    My two main reasosns Animal Physiology is my favourite career`s subject is first that I always wanted to know how an organism can perform functions as breathing, see, hear,move, etc. and second because I like to study the molecular and biological-cellular mechanisms that mediate in the functions of the animal organism , also I beleive that this is not difficult for me...

    well done!! It sounds like a difficult subject uh?

  5. isa!!!
    i do not know very well about this subject because i have chemistry :( ,but i prefer anatomy :) ...
    see you soon
