jueves, 24 de junio de 2010

My ideal job

Hello again! In this time we must write about our ideal job.

First, I have to mention that I want to dedicate to keep and heal for small animals such as dogs and cats and after become a specialist in exotic animals as I had written in previous blogs sessions.

My ideal jobs (I wrote JOBS due to I want to have two kinds of jobs for my two career´s fields: small animals clinic and exotics animals) would be to work in a prestigious clinic of small animals in Santiago that is the place where I live, and when I become a specialist in exotics animals I would to work in differents places of Chile and around the world keeping and healing zoo animals that are removed of its original environment and also cure or heal some animals at its original environment for example at the jungle or in the fields of Chile.

With respect the people I would like to work with, I think that would be good do it with some college friend that have same labor interests because I have been knowing them and I believe that it would do the things easier than to work with people I have never met.

I´m sure that this kind of work that I want to perform would make me happy because I have always wanted to interact with small animals and wild- exotics animals in order to Veterinary Medicine help them to reach its welfare and defend them of the animal abuse. I think if we save and keep exotics animals we are saving the most beatiuful an diverse of the earth planet and also y think the pets are sometimes a important support for the human beings, they have a lot of love to give us. Veterinary medine is a career that not only veil for animal welfare, also educates human beings about the value of the animal diversity and helps them to improve their quality of life.

Finally in my ideal jobs also I would like to work from monday to friday ( when I work in a small animals clinic) from about 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM and I thimk if I have a boss, while she/he is nice and pays well I will not be worry about it. When I work with exotics animals I would have a team work in which we manage our hours and way of work.

I hope you like my writing... goodbye

5 comentarios:

  1. I like both,small animals clinic and exotic animals.I believe that is ideal to work with people known.

    Good Post.


  2. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

  3. great! I like exotic animals is a interesting job! i hope that you can do! see you..! bye!

  4. Hello again! In this time we must write about our ideal job.
    First, I have to mention that I want to dedicate to keep and heal for small animals such as dogs and cats and after become a specialist in exotic animals as I had written in previous WF blogs sessions.
    My ideal jobs (I wrote JOBS due to I want to have two kinds of jobs for my two career´s fields: small animals clinic and exotics animals) would be to work in a prestigious clinic of small animals in Santiago that is the place where I live, and when I become a specialist in WF exotics animals I would WW to work in differents places of Chile and around the world keeping and healing zoo animals that are removed of its original environment and also cure or heal some animals at its original environment for example at the jungle or in the fields of Chile.
    With respect the people I would like to work with, I think that would be good do it with some college friend that have same labor interests because I have been knowing them and I believe that it would do the things easier than to work with people I have never met.
    I´m sure that this kind of work that I want to perform would make me happy because I have always wanted to interact with small animals and wild- exotics animals in order to Veterinary Medicine help them to reach WW its welfare and defend them of the animal abuse. I think if we save and keep WF exotics animals we are saving the most beatiuful an diverse of the earth planet and also y think the pets are sometimes a important support for the human beings, they have a lot of love to give us. Veterinary medine is a career that not only ? veil for animal welfare, also educates human beings about the value of the animal diversity and helps them to improve their quality of life.
    Finally in my ideal jobs also I would like to work from CAPS monday to friday ( when I work in a small animals clinic) from about 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM and I SP thimk if I have a boss, while she/he is nice and pays well I will not be worry about it. When I work with exotics animals I would have a team work in which we manage our hours and way of work.
    I hope you like my writing... goodbye

    sure I liked it! have thought in any clinic in particular?
    good luck!

  5. do you like the exotic animals !!!
    i don´t knew, i think that you liked the small animals only...
    good luck!!!!
